Studies in Arabic Poetry and in the Representation of Women in Arabic Literature

edited by

Frederick de Jong


A collection of papers presented at the 15th Congress of the Union Européenne des Arabisants et Islamisants, (Utrecht/Driebergen, September 13-19, 1990)



Anna Dolinina, Einige Bemerkungen zur Entwicklung des Maqāmengenres

Julie Scott Meisami, Arabic  Mujūn Poetry: the literary dimension

Seeger Bonebakker, Some commentaries on the poet al-Mutannabī

Giovanni Canova, La Sīrat Banī Hilāl: Poésie et société

Olga Frolova, On Maltese folk poems and Arabic folklore

Susanne Enderwitz, Wer ist Fauz? Zur Realität der Geliebten im arabischen Ġazal

Geert Jan van Gelder, Rābica's poem on the two kinds of love: a mystification?

Daniela Amaldi, Woman in pre-islamic poetry

John Mattock, Short and simple annals

Wiebke Walther, Märchenprinzessinnen in "Tausendundeiner Nacht"

Concepción Castillo, Una version del "Relato de la mujer hablaba segun El Corán"

Teresa Garulo, Fidelidad e infidelidad femeninas: dos ejemplos paradigmáticos

Arie Schippers, The role of women in medieval Andalusian Arabic storytelling

Antonino Pelliteri, Immagine donna in Ḧawādith Dimashq al-yawmiyya (1741-1762) di Aḧmad al-Budayrī al-Ḧallāq


Verse and the Fair Sex: studies in Arabic poetry and in the representation of women in Arabic literature, F. de Jong (ed.), Utrecht 1993, 170 pages (ISBN 90-801040-2-7)
Price € 20.00



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